Monday, 7 March 2011

Research into our target audience

Before creating our trailer, we first needed to research what people think makes a good horror trailer. I order to do this we created a questionnaire and posted it online.

i. What is your age?
ii. What is your gender?
iii. What is your opinion on horror films?
iv. Do film trailers for horror films influence your decision on whether or not you want to watch a film?
v. What is your favorite type of horror film e.g. gore/suspense?
vi. What do you think makes a good horror trailer? What do you expect to see?
vii. What makes a horror film memorable? What do you like most about them?
viii. What horror films have you liked most and why?
ix. What do you enjoy/like most about horror films?

Not my favorite genre, but I watch them. I mainly like crappy horror movies from the 70s-80s.
Either classic horror or eighties slasher.
I like to see an interesting concept or a dynamic villain.
Usually the villain or the way in which the film is shot.
Nightmare on Elm Street series because they are ultra-cheesy. Also The Shining because it is just a beautiful picture. I also like the classic Universal monster movies because they are classics!
The same things I like about any movies.

Over 25
They're ok, very few that's not clichéd with bad acting
Sure it does, a trailer is usually an ok indication of the movie. Besides, I love trailers of all kinds and think the ability to make a good trailer is as much an art as making a movie
Supernatural occurrences i.e. such as Event Horizon [but not Paranormal, that sucked]
Hmm, difficult
An intense and frightening villain
Event Horizon, The Shining, Alien [as mentioned, good villains, some supernatural elements, chilling] - haven't been truly frightened of a movie since I was a kid and watched Halloween, but I like it when its freaky and chilling
The thrills and the chills! Lol

I'm 21 years old
I love horror movies especially the ones that are actually scary/creepy
Yes because then I can see what the movie is about and if I will actually like it, it helps to know the director/writer too
I like all types of horror movies but I especially like it to be suspenseful/scary but with blood/gore/violent/nudity always make it better. I'm a big horror movie buff.
A good horror trailer is something that will scare you watching it or get you intrigued by it. I expect to see what the movie is about and something that will make it scary.
What makes a horror movie memorable is the fact it will scare the hell out of me and had a good story and great characters. I like the adrenaline rush I get by watching them and I like getting scared and I like to think about what I would do if I was in their situation. Horror movies are great and it helps when you had a long day and it's great entertainment.
The Strangers, Vacancy, Silent Hill, Jeepers Creepers, Halloween, Final Destination 1 & 3, Black Christmas, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, 30 Days of Night, Friday The 13th, Evil Dead, The Crazies. I like all of these movies because I love horror movies but I really liked The Strangers because it was actually scary/creepy and it was based off 3 actual events that happened. It was something different in the horror genre and it was scary because it could actually happen and the killers were doing what they did for no reason other then they were home. Also Liv Tyler did an amazing job in the movie.
I enjoy getting scared and like relating to the characters to see what I would do but I love the thrill I get from watching horror movies. It's like riding on a roller coaster and I just love the adrenaline rush I get and I do love the rated R horror movies with all the blood/gore/sex/nudity/persuasive language/violence/disturbing content and that's what makes a horror movie. I hate PG-13 horror movies because most of the time they suck and are not well written and appeal more to 12 or 13 years olds who don't know what real horror is. Also I'm really looking forward to My Soul to Take which hits theaters Oct. 8th, it looks scary and I will definitely be seeing it. Happy Halloween!

I love them.
Yes, I like trailers that scare me.
Physiological horrors and true story.
I like gory trailers and trailers which leave you in suspense.
A scary villain/killer
I like a lot, Nightmare on Elm Street, Wolf Creek, Saw series.
A scary killer

Some are good but others do not have a good enough plot line to be interesting
Yes because I decide if it looks interesting and not too scary
Expect to see the main characters some plot but not a lot then dark and scary scene with some action shots
If the storyline is good and if the actors play the part well, if there are jumpy scenes that aren’t predictable.
Silent hill, Hannibal they both have good mysterious plot and in Hannibal has a memorable actor
The jumpy bits

I prefer comedy, I’m not really interested.
Teasers, Scary moments
A cliff-hanger ending. Famous actors or a famous director.
The Dark Knight, because it has a good storyline and lots of action.
Good storyline and action.

I enjoy them
Yes however I think they are inappropriate to come on through the night as they scare me.
Not too much, dark and scary and at the end see a masked man hold a knife to somebody.
The suspense
THE hills run red as it isn’t predictable.

They’re ok if they are filmed right
I only like or watch the ones which stand out from the rest EG: The Hole and Buried alive< the new films that are out now
All horror related really
Something that stands out and looks good, making me want to watch it
What makes a horror film memorable? What do you like most about them? The best scenes and they stay in your head. If I like the film then I watch it again.
I don’t really sit down and watch them but if I’ve seen jaws-if that counts
I like a horror film if they look good when I see it for the first time

I don’t really watch them as I’m quite a wimp at things like that
Not really as I don’t want to watch them in the first place
None really
Probably like the best snippets from the film and something that shows you what it’s really about
I don’t like them at all to be honest
None as I have never seen one … Well I’ve watched jaws if that counts haha!
Nothing really but if I did then probably the suspense

Depends which horror film it is as long as it isn’t gory I’ll watch it
Not particularly as most horror trailers are the same aesthetically.
Horror trailers should give a basic gist of the main storyline, leaving the viewer on a cliff-hanger rather than giving too much away
Storyline and effects make a horror film most memorable.
Dead Silence was good because it had a good storyline without been too graphic.
A storyline that makes you think

They’re scary, so I don’t like them.
Action, cliffhanger
A good storyline
Last house on the left, because it’s not very scary and it’s the only one I’ve seen.

I’m 13
I’m female
Horror films are alright, but I don’t watch many of them
Not really, because I’d go on whether other people said they were good or not
A horror film would have to include suspension
A good horror trailer would have to include mysterious characters to include a tension in the story
The film would have to scare you to make you remember the film
I don’t really watch any films

They are my favourite genre of films
Yes I like horror films that have a bit of mystery and suspense in the for example ‘when a stranger calls’ If they are just people shooting each other I wouldn’t watch it.
Suspense, ghosts, mystery
If it really scares me
When a stranger calls, thirteen ghosts, because they really scared me
The fear

I like horror films but I would watch comedy’s more
Yes cause it will show you how scary it is
The way it shows suspense
If they’re really scary
Orphan because it is so scary
The thrill of being scared

I don’t mind them, they’re ok.
Being able to see the characters and being able to see the good scenes but always leave enough mystery to the film.
The film being good. The fact that they’re quite scary.
Saw because it makes me ask questions on why he does what he does in the film.
I enjoy the suspense.

From the responses given to our questionnaire we have found that:

43.75% want to see suspense in a horror film/trailer
25% want to see a dynamic and scary villain

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